Sunday 16 November 2014


DENESWARY: A very Good Morning Miss Clara.I'm                                                     Deneswary. I'm really very glad to meet to you.

MISS CLARA: Good Morning Deneswary. Its my pleasure.

DENESWARY: Okie Miss,shall we start.

MISS CLARA: Ya sure.Go head.

DENESWARY: Writing and editing?Which one you choose?What                                 do you like about these?

MISS CLARA: I like editing because editing paper gives me so                                  much satisfaction.Beside that,I like the idea of 
                         making a product better,the best it can be.And since                          words are sort of my thing occasionally design is a                            well,I like seeing them in the best place possible.

DENESWARY: What is your favorite style guide?Why?

MISS CLARA: I prefer Chicago Manual of Style.Its the style guide                           most commonly used for published fiction,and                                   therefore the one I interact with most as an editor                             of fiction.

DENESWARY: What Books/Magazines/Newspapers do you enjoy                            reading?

MISS CLARA: I love to read English magazines because the                                      content in the magazines is really interesting and                                knowledgable. Other than that,I also love to read                              books.

DENESWARY: Which is your favorite Authors?

MISS CLARA: My favorite authors is Jennifer Crusie, Elizabeth                                George,Julie Garwood, Nora and others too                                        numerous to mention.

DENESWARY: Are you planning to continue your studies and                                    training for editor?

MISS CLARA: Yes,I was planning to continue my studies and                                   training to learn more about editing.

DENESWARY: What is the most important qualities that an Editor                            should have?Why?

MISS CLARA: One of most important qualities that an Editor                                     should have is "Creative"talent because they can                               come up with new writting topics and ideas.

DENESWARY: Do you feel this job requires multitasking?

MISS CLARA: Yes,this definitely a multitasking job.An editor has                             to maintain a link between the writter and the                                     reader.To meet the deadlines with efficiency is the                             responsibility of an editor.

DENESWARY: How do handle the situations when at pressure?

MISS CLARA: Responsibility and desire for excellence is the need                           to become a good professional.Moreover,working                             stress make the job challenging and I love taking                               challenges.

DENESWARY: What do you like to do in your off time?

MISS CLARA: When i'm in off time,I would like to read books and                           sometimes I love to watch movies with my                                         family.Beside that,I also love to go shopping with                             my friends.

DENESWARY: Last but not least,what kind of decisions making                                that most difficult for you?

MISS CLARA: The decisions making that most difficult for me is                               when choosing topics to publish and the placement                           of content. 

DENESWARY: Thats great Miss Clara.You really answered                                        well.Thank you so much for spend a wonderful                                  time with me.
MISS CLARA: No mention Deneswary.I'm really enjoy with your                            questions.

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